Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Home made air popped popcorn

I make this one when the kids are driving me NUTS!
And since it's not just Birthday Month, but also the Winter Holidays (for school) here in Australia, I'm being driven nuts almost daily.
I have a friend from back when we were young and stupid and at high school, who thinks circuses, fairy floss and popcorn make everything better, too. So, Viv, this one is also for you :)

Take 1 paper bag per person.
Add 1 small hand full of popping corn to the bag.
Fold the top down well.
Place in microwave, and heat on high for around 1 minute, 20 seconds, or until most of the kernels are popped. (You can hear that bit. They stop popping).
Remove bag from microwave, and sprinkle with herbed salt

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